ASA o p-vrednosti in statistični značilnosti

Ameriško statistično združenje (ASA) je izdalo “Izjavo glede statistične značilnosti in p-vrednosti”, ki vsebuje 6 načel za pravilno uporabin in interpretacijo p-vrednosti. Več:

The ASA “Statement on Statistical Significance and P-Values” includes six principles underlying the proper use and interpretation of the p-value and is intended to improve the conduct and interpretation of quantitative science and inform the growing emphasis on reproducibility of science research. “The p-value was never intended to be a substitute for scientific reasoning,” said Ron Wasserstein, the ASA’s executive director, in a press release. “Well-reasoned statistical arguments contain much more than the value of a single number and whether that number exceeds an arbitrary threshold. The ASA statement is intended to steer research into a ‘post p<0.05 era.’” The statement is published in The American Statistician along with more than a dozen discussion papers to provide further perspective on this broad and complex topic.


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Tanja Petek
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of electrical engineering, Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana.
room num.: AN012C-ŠTU
phone: 01 4768 460
e-mail: Tanja.Petek (at)


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