
Researcher-in-training ARPM

ARPM – Advanced Risk and Portfolio Management is a privately held research institution, directed by Attilio Meucci, based in New York City with virtual offices world-wide. ARPM's mission is to set and disseminate the standards for advanced quantitative risk management and portfolio management across the financial industry: asset management, banking, and insurance.

Enrollment 2017/18 started

Enrollment to the programme for 2017/18 is published at our website. All interested in the study are advised to subscribe the news about the enrollment. Additional questions will be answered at

EMOS Webinar programme

EMOS webinar programme is running from 15 Feb to 28 June. Thanks to volunteers from the EMOS network, NSIs and Eurostat the programme covers a variety of topics. The programme consists of 90 min webinars on more or less on every second Wednesday from February to June 2017 from 16.30-18.00.

Link to the webinars (with all the instructions).

Metodological meeting by Educational Research Institute

Educational Research Institute organizes a metodological meeting about TIMSS and PISA on Tuesday, 14th February from 9AM to 4PM at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Jadranska ulica 19, Ljubljana) at lecture room 2.01.
Some lectures will be held in English.

Enrollment 2017/18

Enrollment to the programme for 2017/18 will be published after February 1st 2017. All interested in the study are advised to subscribe the news about the enrollment. Additional questions will be answered at

Job offer for research assistant at Free University Berlin

From January 2017, 65%, temporally restricted till May, 31st 2018 with an option for 2 more years in case of grant approval. The future job occupant should possess a Master’s degree.


Main contact:
e-mail: info.stat (at)

Contact for administrative questions (enrolment, technical questions):
Tanja Petek
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of electrical engineering, Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana.
room num.: AN012C-ŠTU
phone: 01 4768 460
e-mail: Tanja.Petek (at)


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