Applied statistics 2019 - delavnica v nedeljo, 22.9.2019

V nedeljo, 22.0.2019 bo v sklopu konference Applied statistics 2019 potekala 3-urna delavnica Statistics meets machine learning: the example of statistical boosting z Riccardom De Binom. Registracijo za delavnico je možno opraviti prek spletne strani konference ali pa tukajle:
* Workshop registration is open here
Študenti Uporabne statistike - vabljeni!


Main contact:
e-mail: info.stat (at)

Contact for administrative questions (enrolment, technical questions):
Tanja Petek
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of electrical engineering, Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana.
room num.: AN012C-ŠTU
phone: 01 4768 460
e-mail: Tanja.Petek (at)


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The World of Statistics