Course: Economic statistics

Course type: compulsory
Lecturer: Jože Sambt, Ph.D., Assistant Professor

Study programme and level Study field Academic year Semester
Applied statistics, second level Economic and business statistics 1st 2nd

For the timeline see Curriculum.


  • Enrolment into the first year of the programme is required to participate in the course.
  • Positively graded assignment is a prerequisite for the written exam.

Content (Syllabus outline):
Starting points:

  • Relations between economic statistics, official statistics and macroeconomics.
  • Relevance of economic statistics for economic policy and business decision making.

Macroeconomic statistics:

  • System of national accounts as a conceptual framework for measurement in economics (definitions, units, classifications).
  • Indices.
  • Production statistics and price statistics.
  • International comparisons.
  • Financial statistics.

Demographic and social statistics:

  • Population statistics.
  • Labour market statistics.
  • Living conditions statistics.

Business statistics:

  • Short-term economic activity.
  • Statistics of selected topics (e.g. tourism, agriculture, trade).
  • Structural business statistics.

Other relevant topics (e.g. environmental statistics).

Objectives and competences:
Course objective is to enable students, by using modern information technologies, to:

  • collect or find adequate statistical data and correctly analyze and interpret them;
  • explain basic economic, social and business implications of published statistical data;
  • identify examples of incorrect use of statistics.


  • Understanding conceptual foundations of economic statistics and judging quality and limitations of the indicators from the field of economic statistics based on methodological knowledge.
  • Ability to search, evaluate and use conceptually adequate secondary economic-statistical data.
  • Ability to collect, evaluate and use conceptually adequate primary economic-statistical data.
  • Ability to use statistical software tools for conducting statistical analysis, working with statistical databases and presenting and disseminating statistical data and the results of statistical analysis.

Intended learning outcomes:
Students will be introduced to the main statistical concepts of economic phenomena and processes. They will deepen their understanding of relations between economic-theoretical categories, their statistical operationalization and statistical measurement in practice – especially from the perspective of modern statistical theory and practice.


Main contact:
e-mail: info.stat (at)

Contact for administrative questions (enrolment, technical questions):
Tanja Petek
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of electrical engineering, Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana.
room num.: AN012C-ŠTU
phone: 01 4768 460
e-mail: Tanja.Petek (at)


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