Course: Business statistics

Course type: compulsory
Lecturer: Irena Ograjenšek

Study programme and level Study field Academic year Semester
Applied statistics, second level Economic and Business statistics 2nd 1st

For the timeline see Curriculum.


  • Enrolment into the relevant academic year.
  • Positively graded seminar paper (project) is a prerequisite for written exam.

Content (Syllabus outline):
Introductory topics:

  • Relations among official statistics, economic statistics and business statistics.
  • Relevance of business statistics for business decision-making processes and economic policy-making.

Data sources for business decision-making:

  • Macro aspect.
  • Micro aspect.

Levels of analysis in business decision-making processes:

  • Analysis of macroeconomic environment.
  • Industry analysis.
  • Company analysis.

Statistical support for business decision-making:

  • In R&D function.
  • In R&D function.
  • In purchasing
  • In production and operations.
  • In marketing.
  • In accounting and finance.

Statistical support for strategic decision-making.
Other relevant topics.

Objectives and competences:
After taking this course and based on the modern information technology the students should be able to:

  • find and/or collect, analyze and interpret relevant statistical data to solve a given business problem;
  • interpret basic economic, social and business implications of published official statistical data;
  • identify examples of business world's misuse of statistics.

Intended learning outcomes:
Skills acquisition:

  • secondary data search, evaluation and use in economics and business sciences;
  • primary data collection, evaluation and use in economics and business sciences;
  • use of statistical software packages in economics and business sciences;
  • data/results of analysis visualization and dissemination in economics and business sciences.


Glavni kontakt:
e-pošta: info.stat (at)

Kontakt za administrativna vprašanja (vpis, tehnična vprašanja):
Tanja Petek
Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana.
št. sobe: AN012C-ŠTU
telefon: 01 4768 460
e-pošta: tanja.petek (at)