
Podatkovni analitik, Parsek Ljubljana

Na Parseku imajo odprto delovno mesto za študenta ali redno delo podatkovnega analitika. Več na:

Asistent za statistiko na FOV, UM

Na Fakulteti za organizacijske vede UM v Kranju ( v študijskem letu 2022/23 potrebujejo dodatnega asistenta/ko za statistiko kot pomoč pri nadomeščanju sodelavke na porodniškem dopustu. Možna bo zaposlitev za polni delovni čas za določen čas (predvidoma do začetka maja 2023) ali pogodbeno sodelovanje.
Zainteresirani se oglasite na naslov, kjer boste dobili vse nadaljnje informacije. Več.

European Statistics Awards Programme

Competitions will be organized in the fields of nowcasting and web intelligence (starting on 1 September 2022). The main goal of the competition (prizes amounting to up to EUR 8000) is to discover promising methodologies and data sources that could be used to improve the production of European statistics.


Konferenca Applied statistics 2022 (Ljubljana)

Vsi študenti (bivši in sedanji) Uporabne statistike ste lepo vabljeni na mednarodno konferenco. Za tiste s statusom je konferenca brezplačna.

18th Applied Statistics 2022 International Conference will be held September 19‒21, 2022 at the University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

The 18th Applied Statistics 2022 conference is organized by the Statistical Society of Slovenia in cooperation with the University of Ljubljana (Faculty of Social Sciences and Faculty of Medicine). The conference will be held in-person, hosted by the Faculty of Social Sciences.
Please visit the conference homepage at to register for the conference.


Dve delovni mesti - research analyst na IEA v Hamburgu

The IEA is hiring new staff for the Hamburg office. We are searching for researchers with an interest in psychometrics, educational effectiveness research, econometrics, and sociology of education. Ideally, candidates share an interest in international comparative research. We welcome applications from various disciplines including economists, educationalists, psychologists, sociologists, and related disciplines.



Glavni kontakt:
e-pošta: info.stat (at)

Kontakt za administrativna vprašanja (vpis, tehnična vprašanja):
Tanja Petek
Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana.
št. sobe: AN012C-ŠTU
telefon: 01 4768 460
e-pošta: tanja.petek (at)